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- Faithful Evangelism
- Clean and Unclean
- The Ark of the Covenant
- The Sin of Achan
- The Tower of Babel
- Who is Jesus?
- 5 Things That God Cannot Do
- "Ha Tikvah" Part 2
- "Ha Tikvah" Part 1
- 4 Proofs of a "Spirit Filled Life"
- 3rd John - A Quick Overview
- "The Price of Discipleship"
- The Wilderness
- Three Times
- "Is There a Balm in Gilead?"
- In Those Days
- What's After Christmas?
- Wise Men Still Seek Hom
- Messiah Heaven's Glory
- "The Gifts of the Magi"
- "Mary Pondered in Her Heart"
- Joseph, " A Look Into Obedience"
- "His Name Is John"
- The Prophetic Advent Calendar
- The Micah Prophecy
- "Formed"
- 3 Judges
- "A Thankful Thanksgiving"
- Between Heaven and Earth
- Glossa
- Faith, Hope and Love
- A Look At Jesus Praying
- A Bond Servant
- To Know Him
- Finally
- People Bringers
- Part 3 "Three Miracles in the Christin Life"
- Lamech's Revenge and the Christians Forgiveness
- 6 Reasons to Win Souls
- Part 2 "Three Miracles in the Christian Life"
- How Lovely Are Thy Dwelling Places
- Part 1 "The Miracles in the Christian Life"
- God Knows What is Best
- "Poured Out"
- Suppositions
- A Fool
- "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made"
- Warning Signs that We Are Backsliding From God
- The Little Things and the Ought's
- "Salt of the Earth"
- The Miracle of Sharing
- The Gospel of the Kingdom
- "The Triumphant Lamb"
- Helping Difficult and Hurting People
- The Locks and Keys of Effective Prayer
- "What Must I Do To Be Saved?"
- Prayer
- Added to These
- "I AM" Part 2
- "I AM" Series Part 1
- Money Answers All
- Coals on their Heads
- "Country of Gadareness"
- 5 Things We Need to See
- The Gospel with Power
- The Lord's Table
- The 6 Things that make a True Disciple
- The Great Commission
- The Greatest Commandment
- Fear in the Church
- Singspiration
- Three Things God's Love Will Never Do
- Sin Cannot Win and Faith Cannot Fail
- "Worth"
- Effective Fervent Prayer
- Lessons from Noah's Ark
- "Three Corinthians"
- Thomas
- "Faith"
- More than a Conqueror
- Parshat Korach
- "Jonah: God Prepares"
- Satan's 10 Strategies
- Father's Day
- "The Signet Ring"
- Sketches of the Antichrist
- "The Tongue"
- "House and Home"
- "The Church"
- "The Church Today"
- 4 4 4 Part 3
- 4 4 4 Part 1
- Message in the Mud
- Hebrew Word Study
- "Brass Shields
- Mother's Day
- 4X4 Part 4 of 4
- Gideon Sunday
- 4X4 Part 3 of 4
- 4X4 Part 2 of 4 Part Series
- 4X4 Part 1 of 4 Part Series
- "Four Crack Pots"
- The Four Altars
- God's Ways are not Our Ways
- "The Burning Bush"
- All Things Work for Good
- I'll Go Before You
- "If You can do Anything?"
- A Little Farther
- "He Lives!"
- The Tragic Side of a Triumphant Event
- The King of Glory Cantata
- Palm Sunday Part 1
- The Crucifixtion
- Compelled by Compassion
- "Like a Child"
- "The Disposition of the Lamb"
- That You May Prosper
- What is the Gospel?
- "The Mid-Point"
- Purim
- Earthen Vessels
- Fight the Good Fight
- Deny Yourself, Take up your Cross
- "the Son"
- Song of Ascents
- Transfiguration
- Rejoicing is from the Lord
- Come and See
- "The 3 Deadly D's?"
- Adoption
- Chains
- Friends?
- Discipleship
- 3 Judges
- "The Broken Altar"
- 10 Reasons Why God Gave Us Bible Prophecy Part 2
- 10 Reasons Why God Gave Us Bible Prophesy Part 1
- "Sin"
- 7 Results of Justification (Part 2)
- 7 Results of Justification
- "One Day"
- A Little Encouragement
- "Names"
- "The Tongue"
- A Look into God's Family
- The Night Before
- "The Gifts of the Magi"
- His Name is Jesus
- "Mary Pondered in Her Heart"
- His Name is John!
- "The Announcement"
- Titus Teaching
- "What's After the Feast?"
- "An Attitude of Gratitude"
- "A Thankful Thanksgiving"
- Who's That?
- Spiritual Exercise
- Go Up to the House of God
- Joy of True Devotion
- "A Worthy Walk"
- "Hannah"
- "Stormy Seas"
- I Shall Appear Unto Thee
- It's Time
- Lot Also
- The Church
- The Impossible
- A Look at Faith Daniel
- "Eyes"
- Let's Look at Jesus Praying
- "A Fool"
- "What's in a Name?
- "Who is the King of Glory?"
- "Signs, Wisdom, and Stumbling Blocks"
- Job - Lessons in Deliverance
- Lazarus
- "Daniel, Living Godly in an Ungodly World"
- The Fear of the Lord
- Life Lessons from Samson
- Rudiments
- The 96th Psalm
- The Gadarene Demonic
- "Sack Lunch"
- Brothers
- Tear It Up
- A Whole Person
- "Where Your Treasure is..."
- Forgetting what is behind you!
- 3 John - A Brief Overview
- "God's Poem"
- "Locks and Keys of Effective Prayer"
- "Three Principles to Live By"
- "Snake Bites"
- A Personal Relationship
- "Why?"
- "The Highway to Holiness"
- "7 Traits of Christ Living in You"
- Be Thou My Vision
- "God is Our Refuge."
- "Box of Bones"
- "God's House"
- "Home Sweet Home"
- "The Beginning of the End"
- Like a Coat
- Be Strong and let your Heart take Courage
- The Voice of the Lord!
- Secrets in the Sand
- "Change My Heart Oh Lord"
- The Genesis 15 Covenant
- Deacon Ordination
- God on the Mountain
- "Growing with Job"
- Wed Night Worship
- Heaven's Declare
- Wayfaring Stranger
- Fathers Day
- Nobody
- In the Presence of Jehovah
- The Armor of God
- "Tears"
- Wed. Night Music
- 11 Warning Signs that we are Backsliding from God
- Add to These
- Sunday Night Worship
- At the Midnight Cry (special Music)
- Your Own House
- His Flock
- America the Beautiful
- Sunday Night Worship Service
- Standing in Your Love (special Music)
- "Pentecost"
- When I get Carried Away
- "The Cup" part 3
- It is well with my Soul
- "The Cup " Part 2
- Raise a Hallelujah
- "the Cup"
- The Servant, the Centurion and the Savior
- Chainbreaker Special Music
- B.C. Advice for A.D. Ministry
- An Action Packed Chapter
- Special Music 4/16
- Baptisms at RABC
- Easter Cantata
- in
- Jesus is Everything
- Special Music
- Today
- Special Music
- The Brain
- Special Music
- "The Greatest Show on Earth"
- Great is our Faithfulness Special Music
- B.I.G.
- "The Finger of God"
- Special Music by Robert Wade 2/5/23
- The Lord's Table
- Special Music 1/30/23
- Noah's Ark
- Special Music 1/22/23
- "Make the Dead Alive" Part 111
- Making the Dead Alive II
- The Spirit of Babylon
- "Christmas"
- Christmas Cantata
- Red Stuff
- A Proper Child
- Attitude of Gratitude
- Comforter
- "Great Christian"
- Greater is He Part 3
- Greater is He Part 2
- Greater is He Part 1
- Crisis of the Cross (Part 3) "the Cost"
- Crisis of the Cross (part 2)
- Crises of the Cross (Part 1) "The Controversy"
- Strongholds
- Asleep
- Hope
- The Lie
- What goes with it?
- The Kingdom of God
- Knock, Knock.......
- Just a minute Aug 11
- Collateral Damage
- Walk Before You ...
- One Last Day
- One Last Day
- The Ten Lepers
- When I see Him!
- Liberty
- Of Rooms Tables and Chairs
- Mountain Top Dad
- Do Clothes make the Man?
- Shavuot (Feast of Weeks)
- Chains
- One from Bethlehem
- What do you see?
- Mother's Day
- The Elijah Complex
- Of Rocks and Fish
- He's Alive!!
- Easter Contata The Cross
- 3/27/2022